["RPI lacrosse players check sticks as they get ready to sail for England aboard the Marine Flasher. The team was invited by the English Lacrosse Union to represent the United States in an exhibition game during the Olympic Games at Wembley Stadium, London.",Typed text attached to the back of this image reads as follows: The lacrosse team of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y., "check sticks" as they get ready to sail for England today (July 2) aboard the Marine Flasher. The RPI boys were invited by the English lacrosse union to appear as the only team representing the United States in an exhibition before the World Olympic Games at Wembley Stadium, London. Students of RPI raised $20,000 to send their team across. PHOTO GRATIS.....FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Image #1994 is duplicated in #2010-12 Lacrosse Clipping Book."]
Institute Archives and Special Collections, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.