Student Atfairs and Alumni Relations since World War I1
the most triumphant sport for several years, R.P.I. winning a na…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 1 9 3 ~
Multiple Student Organizations
As if to counteract the…
Student Affairs and Alumni Relations since World War I1
pal organizations, publications, and activities of Rensselaer…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 1935
educational practice, creating strong bonds of interest and…
Student Affairs and Alumni Relations since World War I1
43 ’
duced in 1901. Long afterwards, in 1950, the two documents were…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since rg3j
the increased need of funds to provide for growth in the…
Student Affairs and Alumni Relations since World War I1
of graduates, who would meet annually to review the problems of…
T h e Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 193f
Payne, its current head. This activity was only part of a…
Student Affairs and Alumni Relations since World War I1
return is decidedly problematical. What are the bonds between a…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 1 9 3 ~
valued at an average of $25,700, The fathers of 80 per…
Epilogue: Perspectives and
T h e Five Stages of Rensselaer History
The I 50th anniversary of Rensselaer’s…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 1931
perience, Rensselaer still faces an unknown future, certain…
Epilogue: Perspectives and Prospects
students should learn by doing and observing, not merely by rote
from books. He…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 1935
and enlarged both faculty and student body. Above all, he…
Epilogue: Perspectives and Prospects
though inconspicuously. The first promising sign was the election of
a vigorous…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 1935
once a complete break with the past; particularly it freed…
Epilogue: Perspectives and Prospects
the faculty and graduate students. It has imparted a new aura and
character to…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 1931
time, and effort, ranging from a preoccupation with…
Epilogue: Perspectives and Prospects
from that of $198,200 for 1930. By 1941 total income, including in-
creased tuition…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since r93f
General endowment and physical plant funds were almost…
Epilogue: Perspectives and Prospects
jority may wel,l be moving into an era of chronic poverty and
deprivation, by…
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 193f
Planning for the Future of Rensselaer
But the principal…
Epilogue: Perspectives and Prospects
modest program calling for about $27,000,000, one plan has crystal-
lized and was…
4 P
The Contemporary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Since 1935
this plan, to be realized by 1974. It is, moreover, a “…
Epilogue: Perspectives and Prospects
4s 1
letic activities, health, and financial assistance. The library is in-
cluded for…