The accelerator, of the linear
type, will be capable of producing
a more intense current of electrons
than that produced in…
allurgists, dlemists, solid state physicists,
and to many others, he states.
" In some cases," he says, "the…
Candidates for degrees entering the Field House for graduation exercises.
The clas included students from 28 states and from…
self-reliance, courage, resourcefulness, and
independence of judgment that all
through hi tory have distinguished su-
The photographer ca tch es a study in strong, thoughtful faces. P arti cipants
in program, trustees, honorary degree…
President Folsom confers honorary degrees on four
Monroe E. paght, exec utive vice president of the hell
Oil ompany and…
H appy degree recipi ent was Mrs. Jo eph F. Throop, wife of Prof. Throop (left).
T o earn degree too k 18 years of stud y in…
W eiss, Bro kl yn; Edward B. W eisse lberg
Lron~ . J
Walter F. Winnicki , Troy; John R. W olfe,
Albert on; Ch ar les…
Alumni Hear President Folsom
At annual meeting he reports that plan for RPI's place in future conten1plates…
FIFfY YEAR CLUB - As usual the Fifty Year Club had a good
ineteen " freshmen " were elec ted. Royd en L.…
The traditional reunion symbols, pictured in tableau above, help to stimulate one
type of camaraderie experienced by friends…
be a combined effort of the college and
the Atomic Eenergy Commission ."
Th e Association elected Paul H. Con -
way of…
Members of Class of 1913 gallantly SUHound ladies. E. H. Dion '12 (center) helps
Can it be 40 years? " It is, but we…
date for alumn i tru stee. W e hail him for
his interest and loyalty."
" Robert B. W atkins - Robert B.
W atkins…
Walter E. Irving
Walter E. Irving '96, founder and presi-
dent of the Irving Subway Grating Com-
pany, Long Island City…
linton Inart
linton mart ' 14 died October 15, 1957.
He lived at 260 1 Morslay Road, Altadena,
alif. and had been…
ham Engineers' Club and a charter member
of the T oastmaster's Club.
His wife, Harriet survives, also a son,
1956. He then became president of Ludlow
Va lve Company, Troy.
H e was also an alumnus of Wesleyan
U niversity and served in…
nectady; Cornelius ]. Barton, ewburg h ; W .
David Benjamin, Brocton; Richa rd M . Cha p-
ma n, Yonkers; Bruce W . Ch rist,…
Thompson, Burl ing t n, Vt. ; Jay S. Tupper.
W est Hartfo rd, Conn ., and Richard C. W erk-
hei er, ew Britain, Conn .
next November. Paul Ryan, Ray Belaski
and Larry Bradley are having scholastic
difficulties. And a promising young
with a white " R " . This forgotten trophy
h ad been emblematic of RPI-Union ri-
valry and lost its mean ing when…
About R. P. 1. Men Everywhere
Long I land
The final meeting of the year was held
at Felice'…
Charles E. Daniels was named tech-
'25 nical director of the D evelopment
Engineering D ivision of E. I du…
From t he A lumni President
NUMBER OF ALUMNI have asked me to make some com-
ments and perhaps an…